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Tips for Low Back Pain Relief

How to relieve your back pain without drugs

During sometime nearly 80% of Vietnam’s population will experience some form of lower back pain. In studies low back pain is reported to be the second most common reason why people have had bad performance on their job or have to go see a doctor.

Low back pain affects nearly everyone to some extent and can start without warning or for any apparent symptoms. Once you suffer from low back pain, your ability to perform usual activities such as bending, sudden standing while sitting and rising from a chair is limited. These limitations, over time, can become a permanent part of your life if you let the problem get too advanced.

So, what should you do if you are unfortunately suffering from joint pain? It’s extremely important to first visit a chiropractor. Maple Healthcare Vietnam’s Chiropractors can offer you a non-drug and non-surgical treatment when your pain gets in the way of your daily life.

Combining treatments like Chiropractic, exercise and stretching have been shown to have superior results over many other common treatments in recent studies. It’s also good to have postural awareness, a healthy lifestyle and get frequent breaks from stress.

Here are some tips for low back pain relief:
  1. Quit Slouching. One of the most noticeable reasons for low back pain is poor sitting posture. In Vietnam, people tend to spend most of their time sitting: sitting at their office desk, sitting to have lunch or coffee, sitting in the sofa to watch television. However, sitting and being a couch potato means that you put a great amount of strain and pressure on your low back and joints which causes you to easily suffer chronic postural injuries. Keeping a proper sitting posture and having your work place set up ergonomically will help to reduce your low back pain and feel better energy during your work day.
  2. Maintaining a proper posture while sitting plays a vital role in preventing low back pain.

    Maintaining a proper posture while sitting plays a vital role in preventing low back pain.

  3. Avoid lifting heavy things: When lifting heavy objects people in Vietnam tend to lift before they look. I have seen many people just grab things much too big for them to lift and hurt their backs. This is due to not being trained to be aware of their lifting posture. If lifting heavy items is unavoidable due to your job’s requirement, remember to lift with your legs, not with your back or you may ask your employer if there’s any equipment available to help you.
  4. Give up smoking: Smoking has been known to have negatively impact on health. Some studies also state that smoking may increase your chance of having low back pain because it may harm the lower back by preventing the nutrients from flowing to joints and muscles.
  5. Keeping fit: Extra weight is said to add pressure on the spine, which can lead to back pain. Therefore, staying fit is recommended to avoid back pain. Also, a healthy diet can maintain your weight ideal and make your back disease-free.
  6. Reduce stress: Stress and negative thoughts contribute to muscle tension, resulting in pain. As your life along with your work is dramatically affected by back pain, you will have more tension, which, in a return, tends to worsen your pain. Practice deep breathing or taking up a yoga course can help relieve pain, and improve your health condition.Stress may worsen your pain, so it is necessary you take up a yoga course or practice meditation to stay away from tension

    Stress may worsen your pain, so it is necessary you take up a yoga course or practice meditation to stay away from tension.

  7. Changing your sleeping position: Bad sleeping habits are found to be harmful to your backs health. For example, sleeping on your stomach can lead to a back strain. A good sleeping posture is to sleep in a way which helps maintain the curve in your back like sleeping on your back with a pillow placed under the knees, etc.sleeping position

    Sleeping habit may have much greater impact on your health than you think. It’s time you adjusted your sleeping position once the first sign of back pain appears.

  8. Stop avoiding exercise and stretching: It may be thought to take time and painful, but exercise is proven to do good for anyone suffering from low back pain. It strengthens your muscles and joints, thus lowering your chance of having chronic back pain.It is suggested by Maple Healthcare Vietnam's chiropractor to spend just half an hour doing some basic exercise, which doesn't take too much of your time but may help you lowering your likelihood of low back pain.

    It is suggested by Maple Healthcare Vietnam’s chiropractor to spend just half an hour doing some basic exercise, which doesn’t take too much of your time but may help you lower your likelihood of low back pain.

Living a healthy lifestyle that involves a variety of exercise and taking notice of even the slightest symptom of your back can help you free of chronic back pain and lead you to total wellness. Maple Chiropractic Vietnam is at the forefront of spinal care and rehabilitation. We employ the best standard of technology all directed by our American Doctors of Chiropractic. You will feel better than you have in year guaranteed.

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Crossbanner Maple's 12th Anniversary
Dental Implants with Westcoast International Dental Clinic Vietnam
Ultherapy Prime Sian


Phone: 0705 100 100

Tax code: 0311948301

Date Range: 21 - 08 - 2012

Issued: Department of Planning and Investment of Ho Chi Minh City


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