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Do You Have Questions About The Symptoms And Treatment Options For Scoliosis?

These following Q&A will help you fully understand about scoliosis and how to treat it effectively with chiropractic care in Vietnam.

Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of your spine.  The cause of most cases is still a big question, an unknown and symptoms vary from person to person.

To fully understand the symptoms associated with scoliosis and what is going on with your spine will require professional support.  The best choice for your chiropractic care in Vietnam and to determine what treatment options are the most appropriate, is the Maple Healthcare Center.

The following questions about scoliosis have been answered by Dr. Paul D’ Alfonso – Director of Maple Healthcare Vietnam Center.

Q:  What is scoliosis?

A:  The human spine is innately designed with three curves, creating an “S” shape from the side. A person with scoliosis will most likely have a lateral curve, greater than 10 degrees, which often results in an “S” or “C” shape contour from the front or rear view of the body.  This side to side curve isn’t always noticeable to the human eye.

Q:  How do I know if I have scoliosis?

A:  There are many physical issues that indicate that you may have scoliosis, some of which have been listed below.

  • You may find yourself leaning or favoring one side of your body or the other
  • One of your hips is more prominent or higher on one side or the other
  • One your shoulder blades is higher and more prominent or possibly sticks out more than the other
  • Your ribs may be situated at oddly different heights, not like a typically symmetrical rib cage.
  • Your pelvis and the head are out of alignment or distorted
  • One of your legs may appear to be shorter than the other
  • Your shoulders are not aligned (one is higher or lower) with each other
  • Your spine on the side with the curve will be uneven or misaligned

The symptoms relating to scoliosis in children are the same as those found in adults. However, in adult cases the symptoms of untreated scoliosis especially when complicated with long term pain in the hips, back and degenerative effects of aging are common.

If you believe someone in your family or you personally have scoliosis, you should take a thorough exam be performed by a scoliosis specialist to properly diagnose the best treatment approach to support long term care and maintenance.  The highly trained chiropractors at Maple Healthcare will be glad to give you one of the best chiropractic care in Vietnam.

Q: Is Scoliosis genetic?  Why do I have scoliosis?
A:The answer to that question is uncertain, however, one thing we are sure of, when a child has scoliosis it doesn’t automatically confirm the condition was passed on from a parent.  Why some people are born with scoliosis is a mystery, keep in mind scoliosis can also evolve for no reason or simply by having bad posture over a long period of time.

There are three types of scoliosis: congenital, neuromuscular, and idiopathic.  The type of scoliosis determines the age when symptoms are first detected.

  • Congenital scoliosis means a spinal abnormality was present at birth causing the bones to form and grow together incorrectly.  It is rarely noticed in babies and typically isn’t diagnosed until early childhood.
  • Neuromuscular scoliosis also referred to as parlytic scoliosis occurs when the musculature along the spine is extremely weak or non-functional, enabling abnormal curvatures to develop.  This can result from a spinal cord injury or a disease like cerebral palsy.
  • Idiopathic scoliosis generally occurs when a child reaches puberty.  Usually this condition offers no known cause for spinal curvatures?

Q: Can scoliosis prevent me from exercising or playing sports?

A: No, scoliosis should not prevent a person from doing anything in his/her life.  In addition, exercise will not affect the curve or its progression either positively or negatively.

If you you’re a resident of Ho Chi Minh City and have an active lifestyle or just passing through on holiday and need relief for a back or other structurally limiting issue.  Contact one of the Maple Healthcare Vietnam’s Chiropractors and therapists for support, they’ll provide you a treatment option that is specific to your needs.

Q: What can I do if I have scoliosis?

A:  Treatment for scoliosis can vary depending on the severity of your case and the level of pain and discomfort you are experiencing.  There are multiple treatment options for scoliosis.  Chiropractic treatments and therapies enhance your functionality and form, which increase joint mobility.  As a result you will feel a decrease in pain, feel more comfort and perhaps notice postural improvement.

Please notice that if you have a curvature less than 10 degrees, it’s normal, between 10 and 25 degrees may only require routine maintenance, as these conditions don’t usually progress.

At 25 to 45 degrees back support or bracing and regular treatment is required to prevent the increase in discomfort.  With a 45 to 50 degree spinal curvature, you will need to consider the surgery , especially if the pain level you are feeling is significantly impacting your life.

Any pre-existing curvature in the case of a child can progress adversely.  If the curve is under 45 degrees until the child matures, further degeneration is unlikely.  However, if the curvature continues expanding past 45 degrees?  Progress may continue at a rate of up to 1 degree per year requiring critical steps to correct the issue.  Bracing and other chiropractic treatments can help prevent further decline and prevent considerations for a surgical remedy.

At Maple Healthcare Vietnam before we offer you chiropractic care in Vietnam, treatment options or advice, we’ll discuss your family and health history, take X-rays of your spine and create a treatment plan to support your specific wellness needs.

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Crossbanner Maple's 12th Anniversary
Dental Implants with Westcoast International Dental Clinic Vietnam
Ultherapy Prime Sian


Phone: 0705 100 100

Tax code: 0311948301

Date Range: 21 - 08 - 2012

Issued: Department of Planning and Investment of Ho Chi Minh City


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