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Sports Injury Treatment With Acupuncture

Sport and Acupuncture – A well-tried method new discovered to optimize performance

Acupuncture in Sports

Exercising is essential when it comes to health and well-being. However, most of the sports are competitive in nature and oftentimes we push ourselves too much and that can result in injury. Acupuncture is very effective cure in order to get back on track. This therapy heals both acute and cumulative injuries.

Almost everyone who have tried acupuncture at least once, understand the humongous positive impact it can evoke on well-being. Certainly athletes can appreciate healing powers of this needle therapy. Apart from curing diseases and injuries, acupuncture can also make great contribution in performance optimizing.

Well-tried method for optimized performance

Acupuncture is great, natural way to improve your physical and mental capacity. Therapy stimulates metabolic function in the body, thus leading to faster regeneration processes and optimized energy flow. As a result, unused energy is released leading to drug-free performance improvement. More on, acupuncture also leaves significant positive contribution on mental health as well.

Nowadays, more and more athletes use acupuncture as preventative measure. Main goal is to achieve accelerated overall regeneration processes after intense training sessions, in order to avoid overexertion and injuries. This is achieved by increased metabolism and stimulated blood circulation, which results in refilled energy storages and complete muscle relaxation.

Sports Injutry treatment Maple Acupuncture Vietnam

Sports injury is a common issue that varies from minor injuries to complex and serious trauma.

Injuries and acupuncture

From the acupunctural perspective, acute injuries are the biggest area of application, when it comes to sports. According to acupuncture, every sports injury is viewed as an acute or more or less chronic stagnation of energy and blood. By needles the stagnation is resolved and a smooth flow of energy and blood is given.

After injury, main focus is to get back in shape for upcoming competitions. Needle therapy helps to dramatically reduce or even eliminate pain and swelling in the damaged area. All major sports injuries that can be treated or supported with acupuncture are:

  • Muscle injuries
  • Knee injuries
  • Sprained ankle
  • Groin pull
  • Hamstring injuries          
  • Shin splints
  • Tennis elbow
  • Meniscus damage
  • Bursitis

Acupuncture is supremely potent for strains and sprains in ligament and tendon, as well as in various chronic injuries which have been failing to respond to other healing methods.

Sports Injutry treatment Maple Acupuncture Vietnam
Maple Vietnam’s Acupuncture Therapy releases tight muscular restriction and enhance the healing ability of the body

Why we do sport and exercise?

In practice there are more and more chronic diseases within the meaning of civilization consequences, although word has got around that two dominant factors would help: healthy diet and exercise. More and more people play sports, to compensate the incorrect loading of everyday life to reduce stress in order to accelerate the urgently needed recovery from borderline loads in order to optimize the life of feeling. Sport shapes the society. As in all areas but is too ambitious, false entitlement and excessive ruthless competition the basis for serious injuries, then is a (sports) medical treatment required.

What are the advantages of sport and movement?

  • Reduces stress
  • Makes happy
  • Gives self-confidence
  • Gives you strength
  • Trains your mind
  • Relieves anxiety
  • Makes you think better
  • Provides relaxation
  • Makes productive
  • Connects people

Among the many benefits of sport and movement you should not avoid this ones.  It’s important to find your personal middle way. Too less time, too little repetitions and ambition shows less positive effects. But too much ambition and inadequately regeneration phases can damage your body and mind. So listen to your needs and feelings and find “Your measure”.

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Crossbanner Maple's 12th Anniversary
Dental Implants with Westcoast International Dental Clinic Vietnam
Ultherapy Prime Sian


Phone: 0705 100 100

Tax code: 0311948301

Date Range: 21 - 08 - 2012

Issued: Department of Planning and Investment of Ho Chi Minh City


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