Are you curious about your current musculoskeletal condition and the effectiveness of the treatment at Maple Healthcare? Don't hesitate, leave your questions right here! Maple will get in touch with you as soon as possible.
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I often experience fatigue and pain in the neck, shoulders, and numbness in both arms.
Hi there. Well though to say exactly what it is without seeing you in person. But without an X-ray or MRI to look at guiding by the symptoms your described it sounds like a disc bulge or herniation. If the symptoms reach into both arms it's mostly likely a broad based disc bulge or herniation. But of course there are other reasons for this that can be more serious but those are rare. This happens from extreme pressure due to bad posture and weight bearing in that area.
This condition will get worse over time without treatment because the discs are already unstable but you will have to change your working habits, get a proper pillow, and exercise the muscles of the spine to restore its stability and function.
I have herniated discs at L4 and L5. Recently, my back has been very painful. The pain also spreads to the knee joint.
1️⃣ Structurally, the structure of the disc may be immobile or unstable, imbalanced and weak. They need to figure out a structural treatment for it like chiropractic.
✨Which is movement and structural focused. We will get the disc moving properly and restore the flow of fluid and nutrients to the disc then taking the pressure off the nerves that moves into the legs.
🎆Then we would also strip the muscles surrounding the knee to make sure that they are flexible and aligned so they can function well when walking. Also I would recommend wearing orthotics to reduce pain and improve healing faster.
2️⃣ We would also want to check for inflammation levels and other diagnostics that would allow us to evaluate if you have too much inflammation in your system leading to early arthritis. Then address this with natural means to slow the process and allow your joints to heal.
🖐Just taking a painkiller to numb the pain which allows you to keep walking on a damaged leg will definitely make this problem last longer than it needs to be fixed. It's always best to prevent the problem rather than fixing it.
I have had C5 and C6 cervical spondylosis for about three years. The shoulder and arm areas are often tingling and numb. In addition, when working, or sitting a lot, I often feel dizzy, and nauseous, and my neck also feels stiff and uncomfortable.
Well necrosis is a possible issue that can happen from lack of proper blood flow to areas of the body. It begins at a young age and slowly progresses until it affects organs and slowly progresses until it affects organs of the body but it is very rare to get to that level.
Spondylosis also known as degeneration starts at a young age and slowly progresses until you might think. It begins at a young age and slowly progresses until it affects organs and slowly progresses until it affects organs. Then the doctor will diagnose it.
By your description of numbness and tingling that means it's also beginning to affect the discs and surrounding tissue. Then another symptom of dizziness and nauseas comes from the neck as well. Many parts of your bodies balancing functions come from the neck as well. When you put pressure on that area from poor posture adjustments come from the upper areas of the neck. When you put pressure on that area from poor posture adjustments can cause extreme disruption in your balance, hearing, and vision which then give the dizzy and nauseas symptoms. Seeing a chiropractor every month is a recommended healthy lifestyle practice.
The good news is that all of these symptoms can be easily fixed with proper chiropractic adjusting. Mobilizing the right part of the neck will improve the movement and allow the nerves to function again as normal. This will take away the vertigo and nauseas symptoms. This will take away the vertigo and nauseas symptoms. This will also begin to prevent the nerves from pinching and degenerating themselves at a rapid pace which then give the dizzy and nauseas symptoms. Seeing a chiropractor every month is a recommended healthy lifestyle practice.
I am 25 years old, and my job requires heels and moving around a lot. I often feel pain in my back, hip, and shoulder. When I wear shoes, the heels and soles my feed are very painful, and sometimes my toes cramps appear. Please advise what diseases I am suffering from and how to treat it accordingly?
I think the problems come from high heels. High heels are very bad for your feet, knees, hips, lower back, and neck. Unfortunately, they are fashionable and part of work attire for some people. High heels are fashionable and part of work attire for some people. Unfortunately, they are not good for your feet, knees, hips, lower back, and neck. Unquestionably, they are fashionable and part of work attire for some people. High heels are very bad for your feet, knees, hips, lower back, and neck.
I am 30 years old. Recently I had an injury while playing sports that caused knee joint effusion I have been treated at the hospital but recently my knee joint still has a red rash, swollen, and edematous. Please advise me about the disease and how to treat it?
Water on the Knee or knee effusion/edema can be a difficult issue to treat. The first thing I would do is make sure you don’t have an infection from where the knee was drained. When undergoing any medical procedure if the skin was broken then it can lead to the underlying processes of the knee becoming contaminated. Even though this is rare it never hurts to check for any medical procedure or surgery on the knee to see if there is an immune system reaction on the blood panel.
Now that we have the safety issue out of the way. If you are still feeling the same issue after treatment then most likely the knee was drained and did not completely resolve the underlying processes going on. You may have a torn meniscus or tendon/ligament damage. The irritation is causing a buildup of fluid in the knee to protect the joint from further damage. The irritation is causing a buildup of fluid in the knee to protect the joint from further damage.
Sinces you are only 30 years old and you will most likely have an issue with the cartilage under the knee cap you may have a tear or strain in the medial or lateral meniscus. PRP injections healing factors into the knee tissue can speed up its rebuilding processes and get a much better result over time. Combine these therapies with a basic Chiropractic Sports medicine protocol for preventing knee injuries and you will most likely have the best result over time.
Recently, I felt neck pain and migraine headaches. In addition, my lower back is often painful when I do exercise. I went to the hospital for an MRI scan, the doctor diagnosed me with Cervical spondylosis, herniated disc L4/L5
💥Yes this is a very common issue we deal with. Normally if you have a neck problem you will also have a low back problem. This is because both areas work together in your normal daily movements.
❌Migraine headaches are a common symptom of neck degeneration/spinalosis. When the motion/pressure of the neck is not proper it will lead to a wearing down of the cervical discs and a tightening of the muscles surrounding the neck.
⚠Also you mentioned pain when working out. This is of course due to the unstable disc herniation in the lumbar spine putting pressure on the nerve roots and causing pain in the lumbar spine pressing pressure on the nerves and blood vessels off the muscles surrounding the neck.
🔥When you mentioned pain when working out. This is of course due to the unstable disc herniation in the lumbar spine putting pressure on the nerve roots and causing pain in the lumbar spine pressing pressure on the nerves and blood vessels off the muscles surrounding the neck.
💪A herniated disc has to be adjusted regularly to keep its proper movement and stability.

District 2 Clinic
Address: No. 19 Dang Huu Pho, Thao Dien Ward, District 2.
Work time
Monday to Friday: 8:30 to 19:00
Saturday: 8:30 to 18:00
Sunday: 8:30 to 12:00
E-mail: infod2@maplehealthcare.net
Hotline: 0938 646 112
District 3 Clinic
Address: 107B Truong Dinh, Vo Thi Sau Ward, District 3.
Work time
Monday to Friday: 8:30 to 19:00
Saturday: 8:30 to 12:30
Sunday: Closed
E-mail: infod3@maplehealthcare.net
Hotline: 0932 055 088
District 7 Clinic
Address: 2-4 Hung Gia 1 Inner Area, Tan Phong Ward, District 7.
Work time
Monday to Friday: 8:30 to 19:00
Saturday: 8:30 to 17:00
Sunday: 8:30 to 12:00
E-mail: info@maplehealthcare.net
Hotline: 0705 100 100
District 2 Clinic
Address: No. 19 Dang Huu Pho, Thao Dien Ward, District 2.
Work time
Monday to Friday: 8:30 to 19:00
Saturday: 8:30 to 18:00
Sunday: 8:30 to 12:00
E-mail: infod2@maplehealthcare.net
Hotline: 0938 646 112
District 3 Clinic
Address: 107B Truong Dinh, Vo Thi Sau Ward, District 3.
Work time
Monday to Friday: 8:30 to 19:00
Saturday: 8:30 to 12:30
Sunday: Closed
E-mail: infod3@maplehealthcare.net
Hotline: 0932 055 088
District 7 Clinic
Address: 2-4 Hung Gia 1 Inner Area, Tan Phong Ward, District 7.
Work time
Monday to Friday: 8:30 to 19:00
Saturday: 8:30 to 17:00
Sunday: 8:30 to 12:00
E-mail: info@maplehealthcare.net
Hotline: 0705 100 100
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